News & Articles

Euro Languages College Press Release
Broadcaster and television personality Hector Ó’hEochagáin has launched this year’s Euro Languages College (ELC) for second-level students across Ireland. Like the Gaeltacht experience but for European languages, this year’s slate of courses commences on June

Competition time!
#ThinkLanguages Competition We were delighted to partner with Languages Connect for their Think Languages competition. This competition, which is now complete, was an amazing opportunity for TY Students in participating schools to get creative The
Studying Over The Midterm Break
As many students have just completed their mock exams and are now enjoying a well deserved break off school, the midterm break is definitely the perfect time to catch up on coursework ahead of the
Spanish Oral Exam Tips
Hola! For Spanish you need to constantly practice different oral skills to get used to it and to be able to reproduce the language yourself. Here are some general tips from Sahar Hussein, Spanish teacher
Oral Exam Pitfalls
The oral exam is approaching and the team here at Euro Languages College hopes you are steadily preparing to ace this test! Our main tip for the oral may seem simple but it really is
Leaving Cert Oral Exam Sample Answer
As the term comes to an end and the Christmas Break approaches, Leaving Certs throughout the country are beginning to feel the reality of the upcoming Mock exams. As we’ve been told, the Mocks really