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Sample Answer for Spanish Leaving Cert

How to write a note: Sample answer for the Spanish Leaving Cert

In order to get through your Spanish Leaving Certificate, all students must prepare for the written production section of the Exam. For this part, students have a choice in between different written expression. One of them is to write a note.

In this blog post, the ELC team will help you clear up the ste­ps to write a note in Spanish, something that ne­eds exactness, cle­arness, and a bit of your own style. Once you master the layout with this sample answer for the Spanish Leaving Cert, it’s structure and the content necessary for this section, you’ll be ready to ace your exam!

Important questions to ask yourself:

As you read the instructions on the exam paper, make a note of the following:

  • WHO is the message addressed to ?
  • Is it FORMAL or INFORMAL ?
  • WHAT is the message about ? Don’t leave out any instructions,they are equally important.
  • WHERE you are – if you are leaving a message, it is because you are not there to say it in person.

The layout:

  • Write the name in the TOP RIGHT HAND CORNER of the page.
  • Use the 24 hour clock.
  • Name for whom the note is:
    • Señor / Señora …
    • First name

Note: If the message is formal, make sure you use the formal pronouns USTED / USTEDES, never “TÚ”.

Sentences to help

Te / Le escribo esta nota para decirte/le que …I am writing to you this note to tell you that …
Esta mañanaThis morning
Me he levantado / Me levanté tempranoI woke up early
Me he ido / Me fui a nadarI went for a swim
En el marIn the sea
Estaba fríoIt was cold
No había nadieThere was no one
Lo sientoI am sorry
La cocina está suciaThe kitchen is dirty
LimpiarTo clean
La limpiaré cuando vuelva a casaI will clean it when I go back home
Una fiestaA party
Estar invitado(a)sTo be invited
El viernes por la nocheOn Friday night
Nos lo pasaremos bienWe will have a good time
Compraré comida y bebidas para la fiesta de mañanaI will buy food and drinks for the party tomorrow
¿Qué tipo de bebidas quieres?What kind of drinks do you want?
Para la comida, ¿hay vegetariano(a)s, vegano(a)s?For the food, any vegetarian, vegan?
El sábadoOn Saturday
¿Te gustaría visitar Pamplona conmigo?Would you like to visit Pamplona with me?
Será un buen díaIt will be a good day
Nos vemos más tardeSee you later
Nos vemos prontoSee you soon
Hasta mañanaSee you tomorrow
Hasta el viernesSee you on Friday

Tema / Theme :

You are staying in Bilbao with your friend Iker. Leave a note in Spanish for Iker including any four of the following points: 

  • Say you got up early to go for a swim in the sea. 
  • Tell him that the kitchen is dirty but you’ll clean it later.  
  • Say that you have both been invited to a party on Friday night.
  • Say that you will buy drinks and food tomorrow for the party. 
  • Ask him if he’d like to visit Pamplona with you on Saturday.

So there you have it! Your “Write a note” section in the LC exam is a great place to secure good points if you prepare for it correctly. We hope these tips come in handy for your exams! And if you’re looking for even more guidance and preparation for the Leaving Cert, our Spanish courses are an excellent resource. And remember, practice makes perfect! 

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